Disappointed in the New York Times


I have several friends who have given up on the New York Times. One has subscribed to the Economist to get her news from. The other I asked where she gets her news and got a non-committal answer. My morning ritual includes reading the delivered NYT in front of my sun lamp. I look forward to this and am in distress when the paper does not come in a timely fashion or not at all. Which has not happened lately.
However this morning after reading Margaret Sullivan’s piece entitled “An Empty Seat in the Courtroom” I am seriously considering forgoing my morning read.
How could the Times not actively report on the travails of Private Manning and worse still not attend his trial? And David Leonhardt’s lame excuse for not covering this trial.
Anyway at least I will contribute to the Private Manning Defense Fund for the time being.

One Response to “Disappointed in the New York Times”

  1. Scripting News: Access journalism is poison. | Echo of Scripting News Says:

    […] My mother, a NYT daily reader for a long time, wrote on her blog that she might stop reading the Times because they weren’t covering the Bradley […]

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