The Wired Generation


Dave wrote on his blog, Scripting News about the ugly wires he has surrounding his equipment . Well my wires are just as ugly. What can we do about this?

3 Responses to “The Wired Generation”

  1. kejia Says:

    If you have a cat with a “taste” for electricity — and a keen sense of how to exact maximum damage with minimum electrical shock — it’s even worse.

  2. Jeremy Says:

    That is interesting because I was just looking at the cables in our house this weekend. In each outlet, we have 2 power strips with volumes of cables powering devices.

    From an electrician’s point of view, to draw that much power from these small outlets is really unsafe, not to mention the thought that the wires in the walls could have been put in 50-60 years ago.

    It seems like the whole problem is an extension of an already inefficient system.

  3. Simcaster Says:

    This article is a pretty good start to getting wires messes cleaned up.

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