Another update – Idling buses


There has become a consciousness among bus drivers at  holdovers that previously had them idly idling. They now shut their engines if they will be staying for 3 minutes or longer.  The MTA and the posted signs about $2000 fines have made the difference.

Now truckers making deliveries need to come on board.  Often a request  by a  pedestrian results in compliance. It is illegal in NYS for trucks and buses to idle more that 3 minutes.

One Response to “Another update – Idling buses”

  1. Dave Winer Says:

    On my walks in the neighborhood, I came across a place where trucks park and leave their engines running, presumably while they sleep inside. It’s on the service road of the Clearview Expressway between 26th and 32nd Avenues.

    BTW, congrats on the second post! I’m still trying to figure out how to get in here so I can make some small tweaks to make your blog work better.

    Keep em coming!! 🙂

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